Palmerston North Ph: 06 355 8561
Levin Ph: 06 368 6116
Dannevirke Ph: 027 355 8568


Key corner stone values:

People: Our key focus

Recover: Our key outcome

Skilled People: Our key resource

Community: Our key place in the world



 Support, Connected, Compassion, Dignity & Respect, Quality, Valuing Diversity, Inclusive, Strengths/ Solution Focused, Accessible.


Ethical Statement:

Manawatu Supporting Families believes that Family/ Whanau provide the greatest support to all people

affected by mental illness and addiction. We strive to build and sustain resilience in the whole family so that

they can flourish on their journey.

We will provide a safe environment built on trust, honesty, empathy and professionalism.

We are committed to listening to people, respecting people and providing them with opportunities,information and education.

We will be accessible, fexible and give reliable support in times of need and great difficulty.

We will walk alongside you and positively encourage and empower you to achieve wellbeing.

Palmerston North Ph: 06 355 8561   |   Levin Ph: 06 368 6116   |   Dannevirke Ph: 027 355 8568

Contact Details

Palmerston North

163 Broadway Ave

PO Box 5010
Palmerston North

Phone 06 355 8561/2

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